Model Questions(MCQs) on PMSBY

  MCQs on PMSBY(Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bhima Yojana)
1) PMSBY full form……
  a) Pradhaan Mantri Saving Bima Yojana b) Pradhan Manthri Securty Bhima Yojana
C c) Pradhan Manthri Suraksha  Bhima Yojana d) None of these
2) PMSBY is a _____
  a) Life Insurance Scheme b) Accidental insurance scheme
B c) Pension guarantee scheme d) All of these
3) What is the minimum & maximum age at which a person can enroll in PMSBY?
  a) 18-50 b) 18-40
C c) 18-70 d) 18-60
4) What is the premium per annum that is to be paid under PMSBY?
  a) Rs 330 b) Rs 15
D c) Rs 42 d) Rs 12
5) PMSBY covers__________
  a) 1 year accidental death cover b) 1 year disability cover
C c) Both a & b d) None of these
6) PMSBY enrollment is_____________-
  a) Apr 1 to Mar 31 of subsequent year b) Jan 1 to Dec 31 of subsequent year
C c) June 1 to May 31 of subsequent year d) None of these
7) What is the death benefit under PMSBY?
  a) Rs 100000 b) Rs 200000
B c) Rs 300000 d) Rs 500000
8)  The following statements are true in  about PMSBY
  a) Rs 2 Lakhs for loss/disability for both the organs (either both hands/legs or eye)
  b) Rs 1 lakhs for loss/disability of one organ (either one hands/legs or eye)
C c) Both A & B are correct    
  d) None of the above     
9) Which of the following condition will be not covered under PMSBY?
A a) Death due to suicide b) Death due to Murder
  d) Death due to rail accident d) Death due to electric-mis happening
10) A person having which type of account can opt for PMSBY?
B a) Fixed deposit account b) Saving account
  c) Current account d) Any one of the these
11) PMSBY was formally launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Kolkata on____
  a) 01-Jun-15 b) 15-Aug-15
D c) 26-Jan-15 d) 09-May-15
12) Which of the following is true about PMSBY?
  a) All savings bank account holders in the age 18 to 70 years will be elligible to join
  b) The scheme will be a one year cover, renewable from year to year
C c) Both A & B are correct
  d) None of the above 
13) Which of the following is true about PMSBY?
  a) Department of Post or Participating Banks
  b) National Insurance Company is service provider of this scheme
C c) Both A & B are correct
  d) None of the above 
14) Which of the following is true about PMSBY?
  a) Counter PA has to verify Signatures of Account holders using IES menu
  b) Counter PA has to do data entry using CPMY
  c) CMRC menu will be used to modify the CIF
D d) All the above
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15) Which of the following is true about PMSBY?
  a) This scheme is not a mediclaim
  b) There is no provision for reimbursement of hospitalization expenses
C c) Both A & B are correct
  d) None of the above 
16) In case of death of the account holder, the claim can be filed by
  a) Nominee/appointee as per the enrollment form
  b) His legal heir/s in case there is no nomination made by him
C c) Both A & B are correct
  d) None of the above 
17) When can the accident cover assurance terminate?
  a) On attaining age 70 years (age nearer birth day)
  b) Closure of account  or insufficiency of balance to keep the insurance in force
  c) In case a member is covered through more than one account  insurance cover will
be restricted to one account and  another premium shall be liable to be forfeited
D d) All the above
18) What is the mode of payment of the claim amount?
  a) Disability Claim will be credited in the bank account of the insurer bank A/c
  b) Death claims will be remitted to the bank account of the nominee / legal heir(s).
C c) Both A & B are correct    
  d) None of the above 
19)  If the insured is missing and death is not confirmed, will the legal heirs get benefit of insurance?
  a) Yes
  b) Cannot say
C c) PMSBY covers deaths confirmed by documentary evidence.
  d) None of the above 
20) What is the mode of payment of PMSBY premium?
  a) Through Cheque
  b) By cash
C c) Auto debit from Saving A/c
  d) Any one of these
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