Creation of COVID-19 SUPPORT GROUP in Postal Directorate and SOFT Teams in the Circles.


The Covid 19 Pandemic is raising extraordinary demands on the public systems and causing duress to many employees of the Department in the country. It is necessary to support the measures which are being taken by the Health Department and other agencies and counsel the employees and their families in these times of crisis.

 The work of coordinating the response in the Department is an on-going exercise. To have a coordinated approach, as a first step a web app has been launched on 15.6.2020 by Kamataka Circle for registering and monitoring the cases of employees who require support. This is only a helpline and this will not create any rights to the employees to get help or obligation for the Department to provide help. This is purely a humanitarian measure. In the app all the Circles are requested to set up Support Officials for Treatment (SOFT) teams. This experiment is working successfully in Mumbai Region. All Circles should form SOFT teams consisting of officers, IP/ASP, PRIP etc., who have good public relations in order to mobilize resources. Some safety kits. PPE kits etc. may also be kept at the disposal of the SOFT team to be used in emergency.

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